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News from the Farm, Friday June 12th

Lots of good work done this week on the farm, and lots more still to do! In the vegetable fields, Julie is feeling excited about the progress of the potatoes. They were planted on April 15th in the pond field garden which has struggled a lot with grass. Even after ripping, there was still a […]

Summer Shares Are Sold Out!

“The breaking news on the farm this week: our summer vegetable share is now sold out! Among this year’s CSA shareholders, we count many returning recent members, members from many years ago, friends of friends, and new members – and we’re excited to share the bounty of the season with all. A big thank you […]

Spring’s gift to your good health

“This week, Mario, Leo, Julie, working shareholder Morgan and I harvested dandelions from the strawberry beds. The plants were vibrant green and enormous – abundant, mounded rosettes of slender toothed, notched leaves whose vigor and beauty spoke of the fertility and health of the soil. “They do well here” Julie noted as she set to […]

Of planting spring’s first starts

“The potatoes are in, as are the first transplants of the year – kale, planted in our West field on Tuesday and Thursday (this batch in the cold rain!). There is little perennial grass to contend with there, and planting is as simple as removing the mulch, rip the rows, apply a nutrient-filled transplant drench, […]