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Weed, mulch, repeat

“Tomatoes and peppers have been started this week, with the help of honorary farmers McMillan, Eliza and Maggie. The field-planted spinach is up, the thin green blades of their seed leaves a vibrant green against the dark soil”. Read the rest of this week’s news from the farm. 

Nutrient dense, carbon-sequestering, grown with love

“…our new layers arrived last week. We ordered 125 birds in all, a mix of Black Stars, Red Stars, Pearl White Leghorns and Whiting True Blues that will lay a lovely medley of brown, white and blue eggs starting in fall. They’re keeping warm in the brooder now and will move to pasture when their […]

March 2020 MHOF Newsletter

March, 2020 Dear Friends – a special plea, Kalina, the little 8 year old who last week was quoted as wanting salad because it was Julie’s salad is in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit with a yet to be totally confirmed disease. Please send her and her family you best prayers, energies and […]

February 2020 MHOF Newsletter

February 2020   Dear friends and customers of Many Hands Organic Farm,   Halfway through winter we are and it is time to let you know about all of the wonderful things that we are growing to eat this year.   CSA – https://mhof.net/community-supported-agriculture/ 29 years in with the CSA we are happy to announce […]