Many Hands Organic Farm (MHOF) grows certified organic produce, meat and eggs in Barre, MA (Baystate Organic Certifiers and the Real Organic Project). MHOF has been in existence since 1982 and has been selling to the public since 1985. We are highly diverse, no till, and focus on high quality and nutrient density through practices supporting maximum photosynthesis.
Announcing the publication of our book:
This is a memoir of our lives and sometimes risky decisions. We relate our early years, meeting and raising kids, and building the farm, the organic movement and a healthy community. We didn’t always go along with what most Americans were doing, especially in the areas of diet and health care, employment, debt and consumerism, energy use, and culture. In this book we explain what we did, why we did it, and how it turned out. We hope it is both entertaining and helpful to people wanting to fashion a purposeful life.
– Jack and Julie
Order your book directly from us by sending a check of $29, which includes shipping.
Make check payable to MHSC, 411 Sheldon Rd., Barre MA 01005. We will mail a signed copy of the book to you. $12.50 of your order goes Many Hands Sustainability Center.
“This book offers a window into living a life of meaning, rooted in integrity, values, critical thinking, and persistent effort. . . . [ Jack and Julie] have also shown me and so many others how to love across difference, how to tell the truth, and what it is to live well.”
Julie Rawson and Jack Kittredge
co-owners of Many Hands Organic Farm
Photo by Oliver Scott Snure
Time to order your 2025 Summer and Fall CSA shares
Summer CSA begins June 2nd and runs for 22 weeks.
Fall CSA begins November 4th and runs for 4 weeks.
CSA News Week 3
/in Newsletter /by Clare CaldwellDear 2017 CSA Members, The summer solstice comes this week. And with it there is a crazy amount of work to be done. Nature works as fast as she can in this high day light time to photosynthesize and store for the descending solar rays ahead. This week we will be thinning peaches – if […]
CSA Week 1 – June 5, 7, 9
/in Newsletter /by Clare CaldwellDear 2017 CSA Members, It is here at last – the first week of the CSA. As we have been doing this continuously for 26 years now, it is one of those rites of passage by now – and still after all these years I get a little nervous about the beginning week. As we […]
2017 MHOF CSA Shares Now Available
/0 Comments/in CSA, Newsletter /by mhof_adminNo time like now to sign up to become a member of the Many Hands Organic Farm CSA. This is our 26thseason and we know how to do it! Each year you get more for your money as our overall weights are climbing for produce delivered while prices stay the same. And you can’t beat […]