Kathy Litchfield


  • 1 large onion
  • 8 garlic scapes
  • Olive oil or butter for sautéing
  • Good-sized bunch chard or other leafy green
  • Any other vegetables you wish to add (I like peas, mushrooms, carrots and corn)
  • A small handful of fresh herbs (the oregano and marjoram in your share are great, as they provide a nice zing!)
  • 2-3 oz cheese to shred for the topping (any variety will do, but I prefer a sharp cheddar or something with a little bite to it)


  1. Dice onion and garlic scapes. In medium pan, sauté onion in butter or oil until translucent, stirring occasionally. Add diced garlic scapes and continue to sauté until onion is slightly browned and crisp on the edges. Pour onto crust in pie plate.

  2. While sautéing the onion and garlic, wash and chop the greens into slices and steam in ½ inch of water just until they are cooked down just enough to fit into the pie plate without falling over the edges. Also prepare the other veggies you’re adding – with mushrooms I sauté them in butter until soft; with peas and corn, I steam for 2-3 minutes; with carrots I steam until soft.

  3. Dice your handful of herbs and sprinkle over the top of the veggies. Shred cheese over the top. Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes until cheese is slightly brown and bubbly. Bon appetite!

Pie is best served fresh, but also keeps in refrigerator (as for a potluck or to bring to the farm to share) for a day or two.

In mid-summer, a delicious addition to this pie is to add diced tomatoes, pouring them juice and all over the veggies so that they sink in between them all; then add the herbs on top of that and the cheese. Simply a luscious delight!