CSA Week 3
June 15, 2019

Green onions, you can use the whole plant
CSA Week 3 – June 17, 19, 21
CSA Week 22 – final week – October 28, 30 and November 1
Fall share runs the month of November
Dear friends,
Sorry not to be in touch last week, but we are slammed with June, the month where everything has to be done yesterday, or even last week! And no let up in sight until maybe July 15, if we are fast enough and diligent enough to make it happen.
Of note in the past week, Dan finished making the first round of hay. We are working as fast as we can to get it on weeded and mulched beds. We accomplished the potatoes, collards, one bed of the six chards, and the hoop houses, after we turned them over from spring crops and planted some of our tomatoes and melons there. We still have plenty of hay on the ground in the field, but hope to get it in and on deck for mulching our planted crops
We accomplished the planting of our tomatoes in the field, the tomatillos and half of the celery (after recycling a green onion bed, along with 2 big beds of lettuce (following the spinach which has gone to seed). We also turned over 5 of our mesclun lettuce, spinach, and arugula beds, and drip taped that ¼ acre where we are growing cutting greens.
In the weeding department we took care of 4 chard beds, 3 collards, got the short term plantings of Chinese cabbage and lettuce out of danger.

Hay for mulching
Our pigs get moved into a new section of woods every two weeks which we did on Friday and Monday we move the baby meat birds out to the hay field.
I admit to feeling just a tad overwhelmed right now – but this is the month of June when such is life on the farm!
This Week’s share
- Kale
- Chard
- Beets – the last from the hoop house – it will be a bit of a wait after this – just a few this week
- Chinese cabbage
- Lettuce
- Cilantro – new and beautiful from the field
- Radishes – also from the field
- Peppermint
- Green onions
- Mesclun lettuce – from time to time we will cut for you this restaurant sale item to keep the supply the right size and give you a salad treat
From our members – this is just one of the many very thoughtful emails that have come our way. Thank you so much for these – they are very much appreciated.
Dear Julie,
I picked up my first ever organic CSA share from MHOF on Monday. The produce was so beautiful…we are so impressed. Not only was it photo worthy, it was so delicious. We have enjoyed oven roasted root vegetables, sauteed garlicky beet greens and chard, salad made with fresh lettuce, fresh kale salad, pesto made with chives and oregano, and eggs with chives and oregano. We have used our mint with watermelon and in our glasses of water.
Thank you for providing such high quality CSA food. We really appreciate it.
Teresa Mead
Still taking members
After next week the price will go down each week (by $30 for larges and $20 for mediums), and it will be updated on the website – www.mhof.net/csa.
Week of June 17
larges – $590
mediums – $385
delivery – $40
Check out our Facebook at this address https://www.facebook.com/manyhandsorganicfarm You can like us, refer us and also write a review if you enjoy what you are receiving. That all helps get the word out for our farm. Thanks for what many of you have already done to help us get the word out.
We are also on Instagram @manyhandsorganic. Clare and Lisa post pictures there all of the time.
We will be using our recyclable bags this year for the eighth year. Yours will have your name on it, the size of your share (medium or large) and where you pick up. Each week, please bring back your bag and leave it in the designated location at your pick up site when you pick up your new bag. There will be a banana box with our name on it into which you can deposit your bag. We have 2 bags for Barre folks and 3 for those of you who pick up off site, so if you return the most recent bag each time we will always have a new one for you. But you get only the specified number of bags. If you don’t bring your bag back each week, we will end up here with no bags for you and will revert to a paper bag (labeled the “paper bag of shame” by one CSAer) for you.
Recycle your paper and plastic grocery-size bags with us. You can leave them in your CSA bags. We also like rubber bands, but no longer need yogurt containers.
Things to remember –
- Pick up your food during the time noted for your site
- Next week – bring your bag back to your delivery location and leave it in the box; we like rubber bands, plastic grocery size bags, paper grocery size bags, egg cartons – you can put them right in your bag when you bring it back
- If vegetables are not in a plastic bag, be sure to put them in one before you pack your food in your fridge – it will keep the produce fresh
Happy Father’s Day all you dads!