New Winds Blowing at MHOF

December 16, 2024

New Winds Blowing at MHOF

Jack and I have been in conversation for awhile with Marissa and Drew about the possibility of them taking over the pond field garden next season, in order to launch their farming venture on some fertile soil. I have needed an excuse to cut back on production space anyway, and this would make that a reality. This past week they decided to make the leap to farm here with their own venture. This includes Marissa continuing to work for MHOF and Drew to join the team part-time also. And they have agreed to take over the foliar feeding department too. A win-win for all, and we feel good about helping some young farmers get a good start on their dreams.
Expressing Gratitude this Week 
Amanda has been with us for 3 ½ months now. She is a house on fire kind of girl, with boundless energy and a fair number of organizational and office skills too, some of which no one else has. She has added a heightened dimension of creativity to our whole team and is instrumental in many of our marketing and internal organizational improvements. She is our vaquita (cow in the China shop) and sometimes I think of her as I do of Harriet, our illimitably dynamic puppy. We are all so grateful that you have joined us, Amanda, and look forward to tremendous innovations in 2025. I will be running to keep up.
Save Money on the 2025 CSA Share – Only 15 days until the end of the year!

Yes, you can get in on some end of the year savings if you sign up by December 31. Production costs for us go up across the board in 2025, and we also plan to give our salaried staff a $1/hour pay increase next year. We appreciate early commitment to this venture, which comes to 50% of our budget, and are encouraging you to commit early by offering this discount.

  • Small shares – $475 before January 1; $500 in the new year
  • Medium shares – $640 before January 1; $675 in the new year
  • Large shares – $835 before January 1; $875 in the new year
  • SNAP shares – $Small – $425; Medium: $525; Large: $725

Here is a link to the order form.

A New Offering from December to May: Bi-weekly Egg Deliveries to Athol, Holden, Worcester, Gardner and Shrewsbury
It started on December 2. Sign up now for the best eggs from the happiest, healthiest and completely free range certified organic chickens that you will encounter. Visit the description and details page.
Here is a link to the Egg subscription form.
Volunteering at MHOF
Mondays and Fridays 8-12 with lunch. Like the cold? This is the volunteer experience for you. Enquire.
Intersowing Cover Crops in Corn

I was very impressed with this thorough trials report from GreenCover Seeds. I like to inter-sow in our corn as a way to particularly build soil while growing corn.

Fill out the form to recieve a PDF copy of the 2024 Green Cover Corn Interseeding Trials Report

This Week’s Recipe from Jennifer: Ginger Candy Syrup
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a powerful Ayurvedic herb known as “Vishwabhesaj,” meaning universal medicine. It kindles agni (digestive fire), reduces ama (toxins), and balances Vata and Kapha doshas while mildly increasing Pitta. Its warming, pungent nature aids digestion, alleviates nausea, boosts circulation, and soothes respiratory issues. Fresh ginger is more cooling and detoxifying, while dry ginger is hotter and better for deep-seated Kapha imbalances.
Get the recipe on Jen Zen Living.
Dr. Eliaz on Decoding Cancer – What Makes a Healthy Cell Turn Cancerous?

This is worth the read to understand how we can impact cancer nutritionally and with lifestyle. I have a lot of respect for this guy.

Here’s the article: Decoding Cancer: What Makes a Healthy Cell Turn Cancerous?

Do Your Christmas Shopping at MHOF
Check out our gussied up “Available at the Farm” page and be advised that the garlic powder is almost sold out! Thanks for shopping with us.
Ellen’s 21 Winter Healing Cleanse begins Jan 13th. Registration is now open!

As you deepen into the winter season of rest, reflection and renewal, if you find yourself in that space of wanting to put a little more energy towards finding ways to feel better, shift off some excess weight, address ongoing imbalances in your digestion, reclaim more nourishing rest and sleep, regain energy and vitality, and all the other wonderful things that can occur when we bring our focus towards eating real clean food for 21 days in a supportive container, please join Ellen for her 21 Day Gentle Winter Healing Cleanse!

Early Bird Discounts, Bring-a-Friend Discounts and Scholarships all available with this Cleanse.

Gut Biome Call with Ellen

Looking for practical, exciting and creative ways to support your health and wellness? Please enjoy this replay of a call on the 5 Pillars of Good Health: How to Optimize your Health by Supporting the Gut Microbiome.

Included in the call are a wealth of easy actionable steps to take to support your gut health, which translates to better health on all levels. Please enjoy!

Farm Doin’s
We are down to two days per week now, but are still managing to accomplish many things. Monday, we moved a lot of kelp,
and weeded and kelped the orange house and the blue house. Also, we repaired a couple of our range houses, took down some old fruit trees, and got them all cut up and ready for processing for firewood. We also got most of our machinery winterized for the duration. Another pot of lard was rendered and also a pot of pork stock.

Chris turned 18 last week

Friday we finalized a solicitation for support for our work with the Woo Community Fridges in Worcester, did more lard
Friday’s lard work all laid out to thaw
and stock, and put out a big farm mailing, squeezing in some time for cutting and decorating a Christmas tree, making progress on our tri-fold farm brochure, and almost finished mulching the strawberries for winter. We finalized a farm budget this week, and made substantive changes to the website to reflect 2025 changes. December is a wonderful time to finish up tasks and get things in order for the new year.

Our Jewish girl got to cut her first Christmas tree


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