October Stir-Fry

From Julie Rawson


  • Coconut oil (available from United Natural Foods or Radiant Life)
  • 1 lb. of ground beef
  • Variety of vegetables
    • Carrots
    • Beets
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Celery
    • Red cabbage
    • Cilantro
    • Garlic
    • Beet greens
    • Kale
  • Celtic Sea Salt (available from 1-800-Top-Salt)


  1. Sauté beef in coconut oil.
  2. In another frying pan, (I always use cast iron because it adds bio-accessible iron to your food), stir-fry 5 large carrots and 3 large beets (both sliced thinly) in coconut oil. Add some good Celtic Sea Salt to taste. When these are tender, add thinly sliced sweet potatoes, celery, and red cabbage.
  3. Once these have become slightly tender, add in a half bunch of cilantro, one bulb of garlic diced, beet greens finely chopped, and a half a bunch of kale. Give them another minute or two, add the cooked beef and serve.