The Beauty of the Finite – Zach Bush

We have a finite time on this earth. Because of that, it is so very precious. I love to listen to Zach Bush who from this talk below I pulled other gems including
“Connectivity  through biodiversity” – the more different things we eat, people we meet, experiences we enjoy, and thoughts that we expose ourselves to, the more our finite lives can explode with meaning.
“Relationship solutions” – relationships are the means by which we come up against our biggest challenges with our blind sides and also the means by which we can create great things, because “No man is an island.”
Rich Roll and Zach Bush –
The Future of Human and Planetary Health

Expressing Gratitude this Week

There were about 100 folks helping me enjoy my 70th birthday last weekend, and I am grateful to all 100 of them. It was a fantastic time. I want to express special gratitude to Walter, Mary, Brandon, Laura and Blake from Horse and Buggy Feeds who brought the most amazing fireworks show.

Join the 2023 Summer and Fall CSA

We have 113 shareholders signed up for 2023 with 15 days left until the start of the CSA on May 30. We are looking for 37 more shares. Thanks for all the subscriptions this week!
Reason number 9 to join the MHOF CSA. When you join the MHOF CSA, you are buying a product that comes with 40 years of experience on this plot of land. You are supporting farm viability and getting the benefit of 4 decades of farming experience. 32nd year- 2023.

Reason #9 to join the CSA

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Check out this great blog by Jennifer Peck, our new Communications Director – And she is offering weekly cooking classes for your CSA share, in Athol at 6 pm.

Cheap Health Tip

Cold Showers

Do you remember the old adage, “Go take a cold shower!”? There is a lot of research these days that suggests that taking a cold shower or immersing oneself in a cold water bath, or a cold pond, is really beneficial for one’s health.
According to Wim Hof the benefits are immense –

  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Higher Level of Alertness
  • More Robust Immune Response
  • Increased Willpower
  • Weight Loss

I take a one minute cold shower after each bath of shower that I take. After the first few times, it feels really wonderful. Check it out. It is free!

Farm Videos From Last Week

We are in the process of trying to sign up 1,000 subscribers to our YouTube channel. With that in hand, and with 4,000 hours of viewing, we can then apply to start monetizing our site, which could become a viable income stream for the farm. Right now, we’re at 468 subscribers. Subscribe here.

MHOF on YouTube

Managing Perennials

Watch video on Facebook
Watch video on Instagram

Resources from the Outside World

Literally Imagine Dragons – Stephen Skolnick –

Dr. James Chestnut –

Working Shareholders Always Welcome

The weather is beautiful right now (just a very few black flies) and we have plenty of occasions for you to build your physical body and nourish your spirit. M, T, Th, F – 8-12 and lunch. And right now, eggs and greens. What an opportunity.    Marcia Gusha is joining us today!   Contact Julie.

Ways to Donate to MHSC

Many Hands Sustainability Center – our farm non-profit

Worcester Community Fridges
We have been donating food to this elegantly simple project in Worcester whereby four refrigerators are stocked with fresh produce from volunteers, and those in need shop for free at these locations.
We have received some generous Community Fridges donations this year. We have raised $1,800 so far.  To provide 14 summer shares and 14 fall shares there will be a total need of $7840. The Community Fridge folks have committed $3500. And with our donations from you all, the amount committed is now $5,100. If we can raise another $2540, we will be able to provide these shares. If you would like to donate for shares you can make a check out to the Many Hands Sustainability Center or make a donation on line here –

Thanks in advance for your generosity. Thanks to Leslie and Ken and Frank and Denise this week.


Thanks in advance for your generosity.

For Sale

Yes, they are still coming:

  • Lettuce mix – $12/lb.
  • Chives – $3/bunch
  • Cilantro – $3/bunch

Sorry that the hoophouse spinach has gone to seed. Contact me Monday morning before 10 to order.

Workshops at MHOF

Growing Shiitakes Mushrooms on Logs with Many Hands Organic Farm

Stay tuned next week for a great video compilation of our workshop.  A great time was had by all.

Other Upcoming Workshops

  • MHOF vegetable production intensive (all day) – June 10; 10-3 with pot luck lunch; $50-$100, Clare and Julie to lead; guest presenter John Duke will talk to us about microscopy and we will be looking at soil samples. This one will be jam packed with info for farmers and growers of all sizes!
  • The Permaculture Farm and Agroforestry hedgerows – June 24; 10-3 with pot luck lunch: $50-$100; Jono Neiger to lead
  • Cooking with your CSA share – July 22; Clare and Julie to do this one. 10-noon with complimentary lunch; $25-$75
  • Food preservation – September 16, Julie, Clare and Jack; 10-2 with pot luck; $50-$100

Register here

Farm Doin’s

Relatively hot weather supported a strong week of work and accomplishment here at MHOF. We are adding more and more intricate sprays and drenches to our fertility regime, and Jonathan does most of this early morning spraying, along with some good help on Mondays from Danny. Besides our vegetables, we are now regularly spraying our fruit trees and small fruits. Peaches will not happen this year, due to the two days of -13 degrees, but it looks to be the best apple and pear year ever. And walking in the orchard is an experience in enjoying magic.

We spent some time with our bale chopper on Thursday and Friday. Wow, if is loud and powerful, and we don’t quite know how to best use it yet, but we will be buying some flexible tubing to help us direct flow. More to come on this one.

Paula taking a break on the truck full of straw

We successfully planted our parsley, more collards, finished seedling onions, put in two more beds of lettuce and planted carrots and beets.
We weeded the seedling onions before covering them with straw mulch, and also cleaned up the peas before their mulch. We added 12 new rhubarb plants to our perennials.

Stu, John and Jonathan almost finished our two layer houses with just a roof and some doors to add.

Clare risked life and limb bringing wood chips up the steep fruit tree hill while Leslie and I sweated it out dragging wood chips up the hill to place around the fruit trees. Only 3 more to mulch!

We are happy to have the tractor back. And we are relishing these last two weeks before the CSA starts and hours of our time start to focus on picking and packing.


Quick Links

Buy meat
CSA pick up information
Contact Julie
Products available right now at the farm
Become a working shareholder

Donate to the MHSC:
SNAP deliveries
Community Fridges